Treasures of the Heart International Missions Ministry
To reach the world for Christ. To feed the sick, help the helpless, be a blessing to all of the impoverished and abused children of the world and clothe those who are less fortunate than us. The Bible says in Matthew 6:21 that "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."(NIV). Our vision is to put our resources where our heart is and that's with those little children who can't do for themselves all over this globe and with whoever don't know Jesus as the Lord and Savior of their lives. We will fulfill the great commission of going into all of the world making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey every command of that Jesus has given.
We have sent care packages to Jamaica, Uganda, Iraq, and now India. We are in a mode of securing more resources and funds to send our "effects" to an orphanage in other places of the world also. We also disseminate to the needy in our own country as God leads us and we're always looking for an opportunity to bless someone else.
We have sent care packages to Jamaica, Uganda, Iraq, and now India. We are in a mode of securing more resources and funds to send our "effects" to an orphanage in other places of the world also. We also disseminate to the needy in our own country as God leads us and we're always looking for an opportunity to bless someone else.
Men of Manna Men's Ministry
Our men's ministry is dedicated to the holistic welfare of the man. We're focused on teaching men to be the leaders of their homes and communities spiritually and substantively. This department is designed to enrich and empower men to conduct themselves as responsible men who love the Lord and to serve as examples for our young men to become God-fearing and holy young adults. We hold an annual conference that calls men from all over the globe to gather and enrich one another. Our motto is that "I am my brother's keeper!" always keeping in mind 1 Corinthians 10:12 -
Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.
Woman of Worth Women's Ministry
“We are Women bought with a price, We are Blessed and Highly favored by God, We are fearfully and wonderfully created in His image, Our price is far above rubies and we are armed and dangerous”
A Virtuous Woman serves God with all of her heart, mind, and soul. She seeks His will for her life and follows His ways. (Proverbs 31: 26, Proverbs 31: 29 – 31, Matthew 22: 37, John 14: 15, Psalm 119: 15.
For years women have struggled with different issues, such as self worth and not knowing our purpose but God has open the way for us to come together so that each one builds the other up. My passion is that Harvest House Restoration Center W.O.W Ministry will be a refuge place where any woman from the ages of 18 or older can be ministered to in any capacity. we want to encourage women to serve the Lord in every aspect of their lives and I believe that as God has created us for a PURPOSE and as the women rise up to be the Ruth's, Esther's and Mary's to the glory of God, we will begin to walk into our purpose. We have to know our God given worth, and continually be in pursuit of our PURPOSE then the calling and destiny on our lives will be clear and begin to manifest in the natural.
We invite you to come and fellowship with us as we take back every thing that the devil has stolen, our Joy, our Peace, ur families and our WORTH!
We are destined for greatness and as long as we have KING JESUS, It ain’t over!
Join us on every third Friday nights at 6:30 PM as we meet and allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives and bring us into our destiny.
A Virtuous Woman serves God with all of her heart, mind, and soul. She seeks His will for her life and follows His ways. (Proverbs 31: 26, Proverbs 31: 29 – 31, Matthew 22: 37, John 14: 15, Psalm 119: 15.
For years women have struggled with different issues, such as self worth and not knowing our purpose but God has open the way for us to come together so that each one builds the other up. My passion is that Harvest House Restoration Center W.O.W Ministry will be a refuge place where any woman from the ages of 18 or older can be ministered to in any capacity. we want to encourage women to serve the Lord in every aspect of their lives and I believe that as God has created us for a PURPOSE and as the women rise up to be the Ruth's, Esther's and Mary's to the glory of God, we will begin to walk into our purpose. We have to know our God given worth, and continually be in pursuit of our PURPOSE then the calling and destiny on our lives will be clear and begin to manifest in the natural.
We invite you to come and fellowship with us as we take back every thing that the devil has stolen, our Joy, our Peace, ur families and our WORTH!
We are destined for greatness and as long as we have KING JESUS, It ain’t over!
Join us on every third Friday nights at 6:30 PM as we meet and allow the Holy Spirit to take control of our lives and bring us into our destiny.